Rick and Morty is an animated science fiction sitcom created by by Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland in 2013. Rick and Morty coloring pages are featured on 2 main characters: Rick – a mad scientist who drags his grandson, Morty, on crazy sci-fi adventures. Both children and adults can download, print and color our following printable Rick and Morty coloring sheet in their free time. Nice time!
- Rick and Morty Characters
- Morty Smith
- Rick Sanchez
- Mr. Poopybutthole
- Rick With A Gun
- Rick And Morty
- Morty's Face
- King Flippy Nips
- Rick Chibi
- Rick Sanchez and Morty Smith
- Rick Sanchez and Morty
- Rick Sanchez 6
- Rick Sanchez 7
- Rick Sanchez 2
- Rick Sanchez 3
- Rick Sanchez 4
- Rick Sanchez 5
- Frightened Morty Smith
- Evil Morty Smith
- Pirate Morty Smith
- Beth Smith
- Jerry Smith 2
- Jerry Smith
- Squanchy
- Summer Smith